Alex Stefan

Creating Fantasy

Does the derivative, mundane, run-of-the mill art turn you off? Do you believe art should be inventive, fresh and original, at the same time beautiful and aesthetically appealing? Do you want to see more of this kind of art? If your answer to these questions is "yes", then you are in the right place, that is on the right website - my "Creating Fantasy" art photography site. It showcases selected works spanning nearly three decades. They cover a wide range of themes and subjects united by a single goal: to share my feelings and vision with you, the viewer. 

All the images you see here have a common distinguishing characteristic: they were made without computer post-production (other than occasional size cropping and minor adjustment of brightness, contrast and saturation). Photos were taken with 35 mm film and digital cameras, while special effects were analog in nature, some of them of my own invention.

In the early 1990's, I studied in the Washington School of Photography for two years. In the same decade, I won awards in a number of photo contests. Later on held numerous personal exhibitions and participated in collective art shows, on a local and national scale. To this day, I continue to explore new artistic avenues, develop and improve photographic techniques. It's an ongoing process of inspiration, discovery and creation.

See my works in  GALLERIES  at the top of this page.

To purchase prints or various merchandise with these images go to: or contact me directly at:

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